I Am The Standard
As an only child for nine years, I grew up with the notion that the world revolved around me. I was young and I would like to say that I didn't know any better, but that would just mean that I didn't give myself enough credit. I knew I was a selfish child, but it wasn't until my brother was about 7 years old did I realize that I had it all wrong.
This past evening, I sat in a communication seminar with Antonio Neves who is a notable award-winning business journalist turned producer turned executive coach. After the seminar was over, I walked up to him, shook his hands, and introduced myself to him. "Hi, my name is Khanh. It's very nice to meet you." Rather than making an impression, I really just wanted to get his opinion on my current situation and the steps I needed to take in order to move forward. He gave me some pointers and proceeded to ask me two very important questions. "Why entertainment broadcast? Is it only because you want to be in front of the camera or is it because you breathe and live it?" I was overwhelmed by the degree of the questions since I knew that this was something I should have thought about a long time ago. The only reason that can justify my lack of a response was that I never really questioned my passion for story-telling. I've always felt like it was something I was born to do. So rather than justifying the means, I spent a great deal of my time trying to excel and use that gift to my advantage. At the end of the day, I am in love with it and through that love that I have for what I do and what I want to do, I am able to endure the highs and lows that come with having such ambition. So after a brief moment of contemplation, I realized that my dreams should never be questioned if I genuinely believe in them and as much as I love the idea of being on national television along with all the glamorized things that come with the industry, my purpose in life is to be more than just a television personality. I want to give back to my parents who raised me, to my friends who believed in me, to my mentors who guided me, and to the community that molded me into becoming the woman that I am today. I am meant to do bigger things because I have a purpose in life and that is to be the change that I wish to see in the world. I can definitely go in specifics later on about my goals, but as of right now, my journey is guided through my efforts of wanting to use my talents in order to inspire young professionals and peers, alike. This journey is no longer just about me. It's about the many lives that I can potentially touch along the way. In reference to the text message I received from my friend earlier today, I am the standard. But it doesn't stop here. It is only the beginning, my friends.