My 2024 Pregnancy Diary: Hatching a Dragon Baby

January 2024

January Symptoms
Experienced unexplained exhaustion, tender breasts, and irritability.

February 2024

Friday, February 2 (Week 6 + 3 Days)

Right before heading to Sofi Stadium for an Illenium concert, I took three dollar store pregnancy tests your dad had bought. I was in disbelief, scared, excited, all the emotions. Didn’t believe in the results so had grandma run to Target to purchase a more expensive test to confirm the result. And yes, she’s totally preggo.

Wednesday, February 7 (Week 7 + 1 Day)
Developed an intense Spidey-sense of smell—everything seemed overwhelmingly strong. To cope, I replaced all my beauty products with unscented alternatives and gave away any skincare items that were no longer deemed 'pregnancy safe' to your uncle and grandma. I may have gone a little overboard with research and decluttering, but it felt necessary!

Monday, February 12 (Week 7 + 5 Days)
Confirmed my pregnancy with physical exam and bloodwork through my family physician. Cannot believe this is happening! No wonder I’ve been craving McDonalds (Fun Fact: Your girl rarely eats fast food) and feeling slight fatigue.

Wednesday, February 14 (Week 8)
Completed prenatal bloodwork and urine tests at the OB clinic. Experienced food aversions and constant hunger—mushrooms and strong scents officially became my nemesis.

Saturday, February 24 (Week 9 + 4 Days)
Attended my dating scan ultrasound. We saw you for the first time! Energy levels plummeted to 20%, which has become my new 100%. Carrying you is hard but so rewarding.

Thursday, February 29 - Monday, March 4 (Week 10)
Traveled to Phoenix, AZ, feeling surprisingly energetic for a quick work trip and brought you and your daddy along for the ride!

March 2024

Wednesday, March 6 (Week 10 + 2 Days)
Energy started returning, and I could handle back-to-back gym sessions. Adjusted my diet by adding more protein, which helped curb constant hunger.

Tuesday, March 12 (Week 11 + 6 Days)
Started lifting heavier weights at the gym again and continued to barbell squat (completely removed hip trusts).

Monday, March 26 (Week 13 + 5 Days)
Had my first OB appointment and second ultrasound. Discussed genetic testing, including gender determination, which was done via bloodwork, and completed another urine test.

Saturday, March 30 (Week 14 + 2 Days)
Underwent genetic testing (bloodwork).

April 2024

Friday, April 26 (Week 18 + 4 Days)
Completed the anatomy ultrasound. Saw detailed images of your organs and spine—everything looks great! You were weighing about 10 ounces with a strong heart rate of 155 BPM. You even smiled at us during the scan! This week, I also felt your first kicks and it was nothing short of a miracle.

May 2024

Friday, May 3 (Week 19 + 4 Days)
Felt the first baby flutters, which I now realize it’s actually you hiccuping! It felt like bubbles—so surreal to know you're moving inside of me.

Thursday, May 9 (Week 20 + 3 Days)
Felt your first exterior movement. Daddy also got to feel your kick for the first time this week!

Sunday, May 12 (Week 20 + 6 Days)
Hard-launched the pregnancy announcement on social media. Let’s just say everyone was shocked, lol.

Saturday, May 18 (Week 21 + 5 Days)
Attended Billie Eilish's private album listening party—you enjoyed the vibes and good music!

Monday, May 20 (Week 22)
Fatigue returned, but nasal congestion has improved. Sleeping better than ever—just like a baby! Prior to this, mama K was experiencing b2b insomnia due to stress.

Tuesday, May 28 (Week 23 + 1 Day)
Daddy felt multiple kicks for the first time! Also noticed underarm darkening, not cute.

June 2024

Monday, June 3 (Week 24)
For the first time, I could see you kicking through my tummy. It was such a magical moment!

Sunday, June 9 (Week 24 + 6 Days)
Exhaustion returned along with groin pain and occasional, minor lower backache. Thankfully, my bladder function has improved a bit and I do not need to use the restroom every 2 hours.

Thursday, June 20 (Week 26 + 5 Days)
Passed my gestational diabetes test with flying colors! You are measuring at 26 cm, with a strong heartbeat. Total weight gain: 16 lbs.

Monday, June 24 (Week 26 + 6 Days)
Your movements are getting stronger every day. Definitely an active one!

July 2024

Monday, July 8 (Week 29)
Visited Chicago for mommy and daddy’s 9th dating anniversary. We also walked a lot, leading to painful chafing. You're sitting on my bladder now, making me feel like I constantly need to go to the restroom.

Thursday, July 18 (Week 30 + 3 Days)
Feeling heavier and slower, especially at night. Turning over in bed has become harder. Reducing gym time to two days a week due to my schedule and growing discomfort.

Monday, July 22 (Week 31)
Last flight of this pregnancy! Feeling heavy and slow for the first time. Chafing from walking is officially not fun anymore.

Wednesday, July 31 (Week 32 + 2 Days)
Received the Tdap immunization and had an OB appointment. Total weight gain so far: 25 lbs. You are measuring at 31 cm, so my OB decided to order a growth ultrasound.

August 2024

Thursday, August 8 (Week 33 + 3 Days)
Growth ultrasound confirmed you’re weighing 5 lbs 3 oz and in the 64th percentile. Your head is down—getting ready for your big arrival day!

Sunday, August 18 (Week 34 + 6 Days)
Pelvic discomfort is challenging, but birthing ball exercises and stretches help. Also, massage gunning my calves nightly prevents muscle aches and tightness. Night sweats are becoming a regular occurrence.

Tuesday, August 27 (Week 36 + 1 Day)
Had a GBS screening, and the OB confirmed your head is still down.

September 2024

Sunday, September 1 (Week 36 + 6 Days)
Officiated a wedding at almost 37 weeks pregnant! Wearing heels was a mistake (but at least your mom looked cute while doing it)—experienced terrible foot cramps that night.

Tuesday, September 10 (Week 38 + 2 Days)
Swollen fingers, feet and nighttime carpal tunnel have become my new normal. Love seeing your strong baby movements despite the discomfort!

Saturday, September 14 (Week 38 + 5 Days)
Started eating dates (why the eff is it SO sweet) and doing evening perineal massages. Walking and sleeping have become challenging due to the weight, but I try to stay active for 30 minutes daily.

Monday, September 16 (Week 39)
Experienced super minor Braxton Hicks for the first time while driving. Felt like mild cramps but they didn’t last for long.

Friday, September 20 (Week 39 + 4 Days)
OB appointment revealed I was 1 cm dilated; anxiety started to kick in because I didn’t know if you are going to be arriving on time and mama did not want to be induced. However, due to her crazy schedule, I had an induction for the following Saturday. That afternoon, I convinced your grandma and uncle Steven to go to Irvine so I could curb walk for 1.5 hours, followed by eating a spicy Korean dinner to see if I could activate labor.

Saturday, September 21 (Week 39 + 5 Days)
Woke up at 4:09 AM to uncontrollable, intermittent leaking and realized labor (perhaps!!) was starting. Experienced true Braxton Hicks—this is it my little man! Today’s the day!

Khanh P. Duong

Based in Southern California, Khanh P. Duong is a bilingual female Vietnamese MC and host for weddings and special events. She is also a digital tech specialists and host of Khanhcast.

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