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Motivational Monday: Ready, Set, Go!

In the midst of a very hectic and stressful week (What, it's only Monday?), I thought there's no better way to relieve myself from some of that stress than to turn to one of my most cherished form of communications: writing. So here we go. Now that I am longer on pause, things are progressively changing. I have set certain deadlines for myself and strangely enough, I am nervous, excited, a bit pressured, and if anything, I'm probably feeling all of the above. I don't know what the future entails, but I am confident that the next few steps are going to be extremely crucial for my career. I want to stay focus. I want to get things done. At the same time, I feel overwhelmed and uneasy. Therefore, it's only natural for me to turn to someone I completely trust and love. My best friend, Steven.

Unlike the average BFFL (best friends for life), Steven is not simply my everyday homie. He is my logic, my mentor, my left brain I should say. At times, my navigation. I can't even record the number of times this man has inspired me; it's incredible. Talking to him always makes me feel some sort of reassurance and it's comforting to know that there's always someone I can turn to.

Moving on, for as long as I can remember, I have consciously made an effort to keep my professional and private life separate. Yes, I do enjoy sharing my accomplishments with my network of peers, but when I'm out with my friends on a Friday night, the last thing we'd talk about is work. Typically, the conversation centralizes around our new adventures, bad dating stories, and things we've learned since the last time we've seen each other. And the one topic that's always off of the table? Work.

In my circle, there are entrepreneurs, consultants, engineers, teachers, and even a political candidate. While we are all passionate about what we do, we try not to let our profession put a strain on our friendships, which is why we all actively go out for a couple of drinks or two and talk about irrelevant things every now and then. Trust me... alcohol, in this particular case, is good. But anyway, I'll tell you right now that having this type of support system has grounded me in so many ways.

All of this reflection had me thinking about a conversation I had the other day with an old high school classmate. She said, "Hey khanh, you know u really inspire me. Congratulations on getting so far so young, I know ur capable of doing much more. Keep up the good work." It was definitely a nice surprise. Khanh? An inspiration? Wow... Overall, it's still a strange concept to me because when I look in the mirror, I still see the same ole' me. Twenty-two year old girl from Little Saigon.

Nonetheless, I cannot discount the numerous of love I've received as of late. I'm practically a human unicorn. So thank you, guys. Keep doing what you do best and just remember that I'm right with you!