I'm so grateful. I'm so grateful because when I started this journey, I knew nothing about it. More specifically, I had no idea where to begin, who to talk to, what to do. Though I barely closed one chapter of my life and embarking on a new one, I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared. I am. The thought of the future scares me, it always scares me. But more than anything, it excites me. It fuels me.
I just got back from my meeting with the Founder and Executive Director of the film festival. I told him about my struggles and my interest for the field that I am pursuing. I told him that I'm not looking for a job. I'm looking for a career that will allow me to make a difference. He then looked at me and said, "You have a great presence and you are extremely well spoken. You also have a wonderful smile. Things will come around and when the time comes, you'll do amazing."
The butterflies and knots in my tummy miraculously disappeared and pretty soon, I felt something that I've been searching for.
In roughly two weeks, I'll be hosting one of the biggest film festivals in the world. In roughly two weeks, I'll be turning twenty-two.
Here's to the future.